Uplifting Children in the World's Largest Slum

Each year, Chai Pani Restaurant Group raises money to support Dharavi Diary, a volunteer-run children's community center located in the heart of Mumbai.

These funds provide rent, supplies, health & hygiene programs, and educational resources for hundreds of students.

Dharavi is one of the world’s largest slums, located in Mumbai, India. Over 1 million people live in 1 square mile in shelters made of plastic, tarps and sheet metal. There is little to no space for children to study and play – and many, especially girls, don't have the means to go to schoolor college.

The Dharavi Diary Center is a free, volunteer-run children's community center located in the heart of the slum, and we have had the privilege of supporting them since 2017. The Center provides tutors, access to books & computers, a safe community space, and a path for children to receive ahigher education.